CBSE CLASS-X Social Science Important Questions Economics Chapter-1 The Story of Development

CBSE CLASS-X Social Science

Important Questions

Economics Chapter-1

The Story of Development

1 marks Questions

1. The total income of the country divided by its total population is Called:

(a) National income

(b) Per capital income

(c) Total income

(d) None of these

Ans. (b) Per capital income

2. Which organization publishes the Human Development Report:

(a) WHO

(b) UNDP

(c) WTO

(d) IMF

Ans. b) UNDP

3. Development of a country generally be determined by:

(a) its per capita income

(b) its literacy level

(b) health status of its people

(d) all above

Ans. d) all above

4. As per Human Development Report 2006 which neighboring country has the highest

income following –

(a) Sri Lanka

(b) India

(c) Pakistan

(d) Nepal

Ans. (a) Sri Lanka

5. What will happen if the government fails to provide 100 days employment under


Ans. Unemployment allowance will be given.

6.What is the main motive of Private sector enterprises?

Ans. Profit making

7.Sahara Airlines and B.S.E.S. are examples of:

Ans. Private Sector

8. In which year the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act was implemented?

Ans. 2005

9. Name the neighboring country that has better performance in terms of human

development than India.

Ans. Sri Lanka

10. Which age group of children is included for calculating Net Attendance Ratio?

Ans. 6 to 10 years

11. For calculating Body mass Index, weight of person is divided by what?

Ans. Square of the height

12. What is development goal of a girl from a rich urban family?

Ans. She gets as much freedom as her brother and is able to decide what she what she wants

to do in life. She is able to pursue her studies abroad.

13. What are the development goals of prosperous farmers from Punjab?

Ans. Assured a high family income through higher support prices for their crops and

through hardworking and cheap labourers; they should be able to settle their children


14. Name the country where 500 tones of liquid tones of liquid toxic wastes into open

air dumps.

Ans. Abidjan in Ivory Coast, a country in Africa.

15. What was the per capita income of Bihar in 2002-03?

Ans. Rs 5700

16. What was the Infant mortality rate of Punjab in 2003?

Ans. 49

17. What are the development goals of prosperous farmers from Punjab?

Ans. Assured a high family income through higher support prices for their crops and

through hardworking and cheap labourers; they should be able to settle their children


18. Name the country where 500 tones of liquid tones of liquid toxic wastes into open

air dumps.

Ans. Abidjan in Ivory Coast, a country in Africa.

19. What was the per capita income of Bihar in 2002-03?

Ans. Rs.5700

20. What was the Infant mortality rate of Punjab in 2003?

Ans. 49

21. What is Infant Mortality Rate?

Ans. Infant Mortality Rate indicates the number of children that die before the age of one

year as a proportion of 1000 live children born in that particular year.

22. What is Literacy rate?

Ans. Literacy Rate measures the proportion of literate population in the 7 and above age


23. Define Net Attendance Ratio?

Ans. Net attendance ratio is the total number of children of age group 6-10 attending school

as a percentage of total number of children in the same age group.

24. In how many districts of India have reported a water level decline over 4 meters

during the past 20 years?

Ans. 300 districts of India

25. Name the areas where the groundwater overuse is particularly found.

Ans. Groundwater overuse is particularly found in the agriculturally prosperous regions of

Punjab and western U.P., hard rock plateau areas of central and south India.

26. For how much number of years the reserves of world will be last?

Ans. 43 years

27. What is meant by HDI rank?

Ans. The HDI rank of a country indicates the place of the country in relation to other

countries in field of human development.

28. What is environment degradation?

Ans. Environment degradation refers to the degradation of natural resources and pollution.

29. Why do different people have different goals for development?

Ans. Different people have different goals for development because:

Different people have different aspiration and desire. Some may like to have `more income

and better quality of education for their children, while others may require no social

discrimination and high support price for their crops. So according to the living conditions

and the environment in which the person stays, he or she pursue for the goals. People seek

things that are most important for them i.e., that which can fulfill their aspiration or desires.

30. Why average income is taken into consideration instead of total income while

making comparison between countries?

Ans. The total income of the country is the income of all the residents of the country. For

comparison between countries, total income is not such a useful measure. Since countries

have different population, comparing total income will not tell us what an average people is

likely to earn. Hence we compare the average income which is the total income of the

country divided by its total population.So, Average income = Total income Total population

The average income is also called per capita income.

CBSE CLASS-X Social Science

Important Questions

Economics Chapter-1

The Story of Development

3 marks Questions

1. Write a paragraph on your nation that what should India do, to become a developed


Ans. (i) Control the rate of increasing population.

(ii) Use of latest technology, irrigation facility, chemical fertilizers, and all information should

beprovided to farmers.

(iii) New economic policy, international trade, liberalization and globalization should be

adoptedsincerely and effectively.

(iv) Adequate facilities related with infrastructure, education, health, electricity, water,

transport etcshould be provided to all people of all regions and areas.

2. What is the main criteria used by the World Bank in classifying different countries?

What are the limitations of this criterion, if any?

Ans. Per capita income is the main criteria used by World Bank.

Limitations of per capita income:

- It enables to show how income is distributed among the people of the country.

- Cost of pollution is not considered in this average.

- Some other important aspects like infant mortality rate, literacy rate, net attendance ratio

etc are notconsidered while calculating per capita income.

3. Do all persons have the same notion of development? Explain.

Ans. 1. No, all persons have not same notion of development.

2. All the persons have their own different development notions.

3. It differs from person to person.

4. The notion of development of one person may not be development notion of other person.

5. The development notion of a student may not be the development notion of a teacher.

4. Explain the important aspects of our lives that are important than income.

Ans. 1. Besides higher income, people also want to seek other important non-material things.

2. For instance people want to have equal treatment, freedom, security, respect in the

society, tension-free life, affectionate behavior and they dislike discrimination.

3. All these are important non material goals.

5. Explain the goals of different persons may sometime be conflicting.

Ans. 1. It is possible that two different categories of people may seek things which are

conflicting to each other.

2. For instance a new generation girl would like to have as much freedom as her brother and

expects that her brother should also share in the households.

3. Similarly workers in a factory are interested in higher wages and more facilities.

6. Explain any three limitations of per capita income?

Ans. 1. Since per capita income is an average measure, it is possible that with the increase in

income the rich may become richer and poor poorer.

2. It is thus possible that with the increase in per capita income greater inequality in the

distribution of income may crop up.

3. Average income is undoubtedly useful comparison but it does not tell us how income is

distributed among people in a country, it may hide disparities.

7. What is the main concern with regard to sustainable development?

Ans. 1. The main concern of the sustainable development is to save the resources from its


2. Development should take place but not at the cost of environment.

3. Resources should be reserved for future generations.

8. What is environment degradation? Give a few examples?

Ans. 1. Environment degradation refers to the degradation of natural resources and


2. Global warming is the result of environment degradation.

3. Depletion of resources is also an example of environment degradation.

4. Extinction of flora and fauna is also an example of environment degradation.

5. Degradation of land resources.

9. Mention in brief the factors which are important goals in our life.

Ans. 1. People desire regular work, good salary structure and decent prices for crops or other

products that they produce. We can say that the desired for more income.

2. People also want equal treatment in the society.

3. People want freedom, security and respect for others.

4. They don’t expect discrimination.

10. Which recent report is the basis for the classification of countries as developed and

low income countries?

Ans. 1. The average income called per capita income criterion is used in classifying


2. In the World development report 2006, brought out by the World Bank, This criterion is

used in classifying countries as developed countries and low income countries.

11. Explain the terms average income and national income.

Ans. 1. Average income: Average income is the total income of the country divided by its

total population. It is also known as per capita income.

2. National Income: It is the sum total of value of all the final goods and services produced

within the country and income from foreign factors.

12. How are countries classified by World Development Report?

Ans. 1. World Development Report 2006, brought out by the World Bank, this criterion is

used in classifying countries.

2. Countries with per capita income of Rs 453000 per annum are called rich or developed


3. Those with per capita income of Rs 37000 or less are called low income countries.

13. How do we calculate the total income of a country and what is meant by Per capita


Ans. 1. The total income of a country is the income of all the residents of that country.

2. This gives us the total income of the country.

3. The average income called per capita income is calculated as the total income of the

country that is national income, divided by its total population.

14. Which non material factors a person consider before accepting a job to a far off


Ans. 1. Facilities for him and his family.

2. Good working atmosphere.

3. More opportunities of learning.

4. Chances of growth.

5. Job security and Social security.

15. Assume there are four families in a country. The average per capita income of these

families is Rs 5000. If the income of three families is Rs 4000, Rs 7000 and Rs 3000

respectively, what is the income of the fourth family?

Ans. Total income of four families =5000*4 =Rs 20000

Total income of three families =4000+7000+3000 =Rs 14000

Total income of the fourth family is = 20000-14000 =Rs 6000

16. Study the data given in the table and answer the following questions.

Some Comparative Data on Punjab, Kerala and Bihar


Infant Mortality rate per

1000 (2003)

Literacy rate

(%) 2001

Net Attendance ratio for class

I-V (1995-96)

Punjab 49 70 81

Kerala 11 91 91

Bihar 60 41 41

1. Compare the infant mortality rate of Punjab with that of Kerala?

2. Compare the literacy rate of Bihar with that of Kerala?

Compare Net Attendance ratio with Punjab.

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Ans. 1. Punjab has a high infant mortality rate that is 49, as comparison to Kerala. Kerala

has only 11.

2. Bihar has only 47% literacy rate that is very less as comparison to Kerala. Kerala has 91%

literacy rate.

3. Bihar has a very low net attendance ratio in comparison to Punjab. Bihar has 41 and

Punjab as 81 net attendance ratios.

17. If the national income of a country is Rs 5, 678, 880, 00 and the per capita income is

Rs 2000. Find the population of the country.

Ans. We know that, Per Capita income =

Per Capita Income= Rs 2000

National Income= Rs 5, 678, 880, 00


Suppose population =x

2000 ×= 5, 678, 880, 00

POPULAION = 283944

18. ‘Human development is the essence of social development.’ Explain

Ans. 1. Human development focuses on the people.

2. It is concerned with the well being of the people, their needs, choices and desires.

3. It is also about the enlarging or widening the choices for the people. It is building of

human capabilities, such as to lead a long and a healthy life, to have education, information

and knowledge.

4. Human development focuses on the expansion of basic choices.

19. What India should do to become a developed country?

Ans. 1. India should take a effective steps to control its population.

2. Modern technology should be used in industrial as we as in agricultural sectors.

3. Effective education system should be implemented.

4. More and more person should be engaged in secondary and territory sectors.

20. Which sources of energy are used by us today? What could be possibilities fifty

years from now?

Ans. 1. We use different types of sources of energy.

2. These include sources such as coal, natural gas, water, petroleum.

3. But by fifty years from now we may use sources such as solar, tidal and wind energy.

4. The conventional sources of energy are drying up.

21. Study the data given in the table and answer the following questions.

Some Comparative Data on Punjab, Kerala and Bihar


Infant Mortality rate per

1000 (2003)

Literacy rate

(%) 2001

Net Attendance ratio for class

I-V (1995-96)

Punjab 49 70 81

Kerala 11 91 91

Bihar 60 41 41

1. Which sate has the lowest infant mortality rate?

2. Why does this state have the lowest infant mortality rate in comparison toOther


3. What Net Attendance ratio?

Ans. 1. Kerala has the lowest infant mortality rate.

2. Kerala has the lowest mortality rate because it has adequate provision of basic health and

education facilities.

3. Total number of children of age group 6-10 attending school as a proportion of 1000 live

children born in the same age group.

22. Comparison of Two countries:

Country Monthly income of citizens in 2008 (in



Country A 9500 10500 9800 10000 10200

Country B 500 500 500 500 48000

1. Calculate the average income of country A and B.

2. Are both countries equally developed? If not why?

3. Which country is better and why?

Ans . 1. Country A- Average income- 10000

Country B- Average income-10000

2. No, Both countries are not equally developed because in country a, income distribution is

equitably done while in country B, most citizens are poor except one who is extremely rich.

3. The condition of country A is better because in Country A, income distribution is equal.

23. Compare India and Sri Lanka on the basis of any three indicators of Human

Development Index for 2004.

Ans. 1. The Life Expectancy: The life expectancy at birth is much higher in Sri Lanka than

India. The Life expectancy in Sri Lanka is 74 while in India it is 64.

2. Literacy rate: The Literacy rate in Sri Lanka is high as comparison to India. It was 91% in

Sri Lanka and 64% in India in 2004.

3. Gross Enrolment ratio: Gross enrolment ratio of India was 60 and it was 69 in Sri Lanka it

was 69 in 2004.

24. What developmental goals encourage women to work outside their home?

Ans. 1. The dignity if women in household and society increases if women do paid work.

2. When there is respect for women the members of the household are willing to share


3. A person accepts that women working for outside their homes earn a livelihood.

4. A safe and secure environment may allow more women to take up a variety of jobs or run

a business.

25. Explain the consequences the world face if non renewable resources get exhausted

inthe world?

Ans. 1. Speed of development will be slowed sown.

2. People will face a lot of problems.

3. The situation of life will become very difficult.

4. People will try to find out the alternative resources of the renewable resources.

5. It will also cause a threat to the world peace.

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