CLASS-X Social Science Important Questions Political Science Chapter-1 Power Sharing

 CBSE CLASS-X Social Science

Important Questions

Political Science Chapter-1

Power Sharing

3 marks Questions

1. How Belgian government solved its ethnic Problem ?

Ans. The Path of accommodation adopted in Belgium.

a). Dutch and French speaking ministers shall be equal in the central govt.

b). Many Powers of the central government have been given to state govt. The state govt are

not subordinate to the central govt.

c). Brussels has a separate govt in which both the communities have equal representation.

d). There is a third kind of govt called community govt elected by the people belonging to

Dutch, French and German no matter where they live.

2. What is majoritariamisum? How it has led to alienation of majority community in Sri


Ans. The dominance of majority community to rule the country in whichever way it wants

totally disregarding the wishes and needs of minority community is known as


a). In srilanka mainly there are two communities- Sinhala and Tamils the leaders of the

sinhala community sought to secure dominance over the govt by virtue of their majority.

Sinhala has been recognized as the official language of the country by disregarding

b). Government followed a preferential policy favouring sinhalased in university portions

and govt jobs.

c). The govt encouraged and protected BudhismThe distrust has turned into a civil war that

has caused a set back to social cultural and economic lifeof Srilanka.

3. Describe three demands of Sri Lankan Tamils. How did they struggle for their


Ans. a).Recognition of Tamil as an official language.

b). Regional autonomy

c). Equal opportunity in securing jobs and education.

They formed several political organizations, but when the government tried to suppress their

activities by force, this led to civil war

4. How is power shared among different organs of the government, I.e., legislature,

executives and judiciary?

Ans. a).This type of power sharing is known as horizontal power sharing as well as all the

organs is placed at the same level and each organ can check the other.

b). For example even through ministers and government officials exercise power, they are

responsible to the parliament.

5. How is federal government better than a unitary government? Explain with

examples of Belgium and Sri Lanka.

Ans. Federalism is a system of government under which power is divided between a central

authority and its various constituent units.

a). In federal government power is shared among the different levels of government but in

unitary government all powers are in the hands of a single unit.

b). The Belgium leaders tried to solve the ethnic problem by respecting the feeling and

interest if different committees and regions by establishing a federal government, where as

the Sri Lankan Government tried to solve the problem through Majoritarianism.

6. Write down the features of Horizontal division of power sharing.

Ans. Horizontal Division of power, in which power is shared among different organs of the

government like legislature, Executive and Judiciary.

a). Different organs of the government exercise the power.

b). It specifies the concept of check and balance.

c). It ensures the concept of the expansion of the democracy.

d). Examples: Legislature, Executive and Judiciary are the organs Government of India

7. Write Down the features of Vertical division of power sharing.

Ans. In vertical division of Power Sharing power is shared among the different levels of the

government like Union Government, state government and Lower levels.

a). Different levels of the government exercise the power of the government.

b). No specification of the system of checks and balance.

c). It ensures the concept of deepening of democracy.

d). Central Government, State Government and Panchayat Raj are the example of the Vertical

division of Power Sharing.

8. Give a comparative analysis between Belgium and India in the sphere of area.

Ans. a).Area wise Belgium is a small country in Europe. It is smaller in area than that of

Haryana in India.

b). It has borders with Netherlands, France and Germany.

c). Regarding population it has a population over one crore, about half of the population of


d). It has a very complex ethnic composition comprising various language speaking

communities than India which is a secular and integrated country.

9. What is the reason for tension in Belgium?

Ans. a). The Dutch form 59%, the French form 40% and the German about 1% comprises the

population of Belgium.

b). The French community is in majority in the capital of Belgium, Brussels.

c). They are rich and powerful and this is not liked by the Dutch.

d). The Dutch speaking community got the benefit of economic development and education

much later showed the resentment.

e). This led to conflict between French and Dutch speaking people.

10. What was the background of Sri Lankan Tamils?

Ans. a). Their forefathers came from India as plantation workers during colonial period.

b). Tamils who are brought as indentured laborers from India by British colonists to work in

estate plantation are called Indian Origin Tamils re 5%.

c). Sri Lankan Tamils live in the north eastern part of the country.

11. What do you mean by good democratic front? Explain.

Ans. People rule through the representatives elected by them self.

a). Due respect is given to different groups and views that exist in the country.

b). Everyone has right to vote and value of each vote is equal.

c). Everyone has a voice in the shaping of public policies and as many people as possible

should share power.

12. Describe the diverse composition of Sri Lanka.

Ans. The Sinhala community forms the majority of population 74% with Tamils who are

mostly 18% concentrated in the north and east of the country.

a). Tamil natives of the country are called Sri Lankan Tamil are 13%.

b). Tamils who are brought as indentured laborers from India by British colonists to work in

estate plantation are called Indian Origin Tamils re 5%.

c). There are about 7% percent Christians, who are both Tamils and Sinhala.

13. Briefly explain the ways in Which power sharing between different organs of the

government results in the maintenance of balance of power.

Ans. Power is shared among different organs of government like the legislature, executive

and judiciary.

a). Each organ is equally important in a democracy and they exercise different powers.

b). Separation of powers ensures that all organs exercise their power within limits.

c). Each organ checks the others. This results in the maintenance of balance of power among

various institutions.

14. Mention any three provisions of the Act which passed in Sri Lanka in 1956 to

establish Sinhala Supremacy.

Ans. a). In 1956, an act was passed under which English was replaced as the country’s official

language not by Sinhala and Tamil but Sinhala only.

b). The state shall protect and foster Buddhism.

c). Denial of citizenship to estate Tamils.

15. Give reason for which power sharing is desirable?

Ans. a). Power sharing is desirable because it reduce the possibility of conflict.

b). It ensures the stability of political order.

c). It strengthens the unity of the country.

16. What is power sharing?

Ans. a). Power sharing is a strategy wherein all the major segments of the society are

provided with a permanent share of power in governance of the country.

b). It is a means for sharing practices and established rule and roles to facilitate broad based

decision-making, controlling and leading.

c). It is potential tool for solving disputes on the society.

17. Is it necessary for a country to be big in size to follow power sharing solutions?

What are the other factors involved in it?

Ans. a). No. it is not necessary for a country to be big in size to follow power sharing


b). Other factors like multi-ethnicity, racial, cultural, linguistic, regional differences play and

equally important role in devising power sharing solutions.

c). Power sharing is sought for deeply divided societies where there are varied social

interests of various groups and it is required to share power among them to avoid civic strife

and social unrest.

d). Some form of power sharing is always needed to give voice and representation to all the

members of the country and involve them in the working of the system.

18. What is Majoritarianism?

Ans. a). Majoritarianism is a political philosophy which asserts that a majority of the

population has the right to take the decisions affecting the society.

b). It means submission of the majority group for all the decisions affecting their lives.

c). It often results in preferential policies being followed, favoring the majority group in

university positions and government jobs and other opportunities and interests, thus

denying the minority equal rights and opportunities.

19. What’s wrong with a Majoritarianism?

Ans. a). In Majoritarianism the voice of the minority group will not be given due preference.

b). The majority group makes preferential policies favoring their majority.

c). Majority denies the minority group in equal representation in the governance and equal

political rights.

d). This results in the tyranny of the majority which breeds the feeling of alienation among

the minority group.

e). For Example in Sri Lanka Due Dignity is not given by the Majority Sinhala Group to the

minority Tamils.

20. Does a country get more power by actually dispersing the power?

Ans. a). Power Sharing unites a country as every group gets the representation in the


b). It ensures that every group’s interests would be taken care of and everybody, irrespective

of his community would be provided with equal political rights and opportunities.

c). It discards discrimination based on caste or creed. It also infuses a spirit of belongingness

and trust among the citizens who feel that they have a stake in the system.

d). It therefore reduces political tensions and helps in the smooth functioning and stability of

the system.

21. The mayor of Marchtem, a town near Brussels in Belgium, has defended a ban on

speaking French in the town’s school. He said the ban would help all non-Dutch

speakers integrate in this Flemish Town. Do you think that this measure is in keeping

with the spirit of Belgium’s power sharing arrangements? Give reasons in about 50


Ans. No, the measure taken by The Mayor of Merchtem is not in keeping with the spirit of

Belgium’s power sharing arrangements. As 59% of the population in the Flemish region

speaks Dutch, the ban on speaking French in the town’s schools would prevent French and

Dutch speakers to mingle with each other and also create feelings of distrust and suspicion.

The ban ignores the regional differences and cultural diversities. It is against the spirit of

accommodating every linguistic group and creating a right environment for everyone to live.

The ban, rather, makes the ground for civic strife and a possible division of the community

on linguistic lines.

22. What are the different forms of power sharing in modern democracies? Give

example of each.

Ans. a). Power is shared among different organs of the government as legislature, executive

and judiciary. Example: The constitution of India divides powers between the executive,

legislature and judiciary.

b). Power is shared among government at different levels. Example: Indian constitution

establishes a duel policy in which the powers are divided between state and union


c). Power is shared among various social groups. Example: Community government style as

followed in Belgium.

d). Power is shared among various political parties, pressure groups and movements.

Example: The multi-party system as followed in India.

23. State the prudential reason of power sharing.

Ans. a). These resona are based on the careful calculations of gains and losses occurring due

to the adoption of a particular style of governance. Power sharing reduces the possibility of

conflict between the social groups and the violent upheavals that may happen otherwise.

b). It is seen as a compromise that is sought among the various groups to ensure the stability

of the political leaders.

c). Power sharing is a strategy for resolving disputes over who should have the most

powerful position in the social hierarchy.

24. State the moral reason of power sharing.

Ans. a). Power sharing is the basic spirit of democracy. A Democratic rule involves giving

voice and representation to all the people who would be affected by the policies and the rule


b). A Democratic government is legitimate government which is chosen by the people so they

have the right to be consulted on how they are to be governed.

c). A legitimate government is one where people, through participation, acquire a stake in

the system.

d). The moral reason emphasis the intrinsic worth of power sharing.

25. Describe any three demands of Sri Lankan Tamils.

Ans. a). Their language that the Tamil should be given equal status with that of Sinhala


b).There should be no discrimination between them and the Sinhala residents of Sri Lanka in

government jobs and university admissions.

c). Their religion whether Hinduism and Christianity should be given equal respect with that

of Buddhism.

d). They should be given equal political rights.

26. What is community government?

Ans. a). A community government is one in which different social groups are given the

power to handle the affairs related to their communities.

b). They are expected to work jointly for the benefit of the common masses without

undermining any one community.

c). To solve the dispute, in Belgium community government is elected by people belong to

one language community-Dutch, French and German speaking.

27. What is coalition government?

Ans. a). The making of coalition government is possible only in those countries where multi-

party system is prevailing.

b). A coalition government is a cabinet of parliament government in which several parties


It generally happens when no party gets majority in the parliament and several parties join

together to form a government.

28. What is civil war? Name the country and two social groups between which civil war

broke out due to Majoritarianism.

Ans. a). Civil war is a violent conflict between the opposing groups within the country that

becomes so instance that is appears like a war.

b). Sri Lanka.

c). Sinhalese and Tamils

29. Why is it very difficult to make changes to the power sharing arrangement between

the union Government and state governments? Explain with examples.

Ans. It is very difficult to make changes to the power sharing arrangements between the

union government and state governments due to the following reasons:

a). There is clear distinction of power between state and centre through three list system.

b). In this arrangement constitution clearly lays down the division of powers between Union

and State. So for any changes, it has to go through the amendment procedures which is


c). The centre has a general authority, but the regional or state governments are given

autonomy. Therefore interference in each other’s jurisdiction for any change is difficult.

30. Write Down the features of Vertical division of power sharing.

Ans. a). In vertical division of Power Sharing power is shared among the different levels of

the government like Union Government, state government and Lower levels.

b). Different levels of the government exercise the power of the government.

c). No specification of the system of checks and balance.

d). It ensures the concept of deepening of democracy.

e). Central Government, State Government and Panchayat Raj are the example of the Vertical

division of Power Sharing

31. What do you mean by good democratic front? Explain.

Ans. a). People rule through the representatives elected by them self.

b). Due respect is given to different groups and views that exist in the country.

c). Everyone has right to vote and value of each vote is equal.

d). Everyone has a voice in the shaping of public policies and as many people as possible

should share power.

32. Give reason for which power sharing is desirable?

Ans. a). Power sharing is desirable because it reduce the possibility of conflict.

b). It ensures the stability of political order.

c). It strengthens the unity of the country

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