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❖ Fascism:

1) Meaning of Fascism: The word “Fascism” had been derived from the Italian

word fiasco which means union or league. Fascism means autocracy or

dictatorship where the power of the State is vested in the hands of one

man only; and it is obligatory for all others to obey him........



❖ Fascism:

1) Meaning of Fascism: The word “Fascism” had been derived from the Italian

word fiasco which means union or league. Fascism means autocracy or

dictatorship where the power of the State is vested in the hands of one

man only; and it is obligatory for all others to obey him.

2) Causes of the Rise of Fascism in Italy: The causes which led to the rise of

fascism are as follows:

i. Discontent after the treaty of Versailles: Italy had joined the Allies in

the First World War to gain Turkish & German territories but she did not

get any part of Turkish & German territories.

ii. Economic Crisis: Italy suffered heavy losses in terms of life and property

in the First World War. Many soldiers became unemployed, trade and

commerce were ruined.

iii. Political Instability: Democracy was introduced in Italy for the first time

in 1919. Elections were held but no party got clear majority. Between

1919 and 1922 there were six coalition governments formed in Italy.

iv. Class Conflicts: There were two classes in the society – the aristocrats

and the common man. There was a conflict whether the economic

systems and the control of the government would be in the hands of the

aristocrats or the less privileged majorities (common man).

v. Threat of Socialism and Communism:

• The Socialists included – the Anarchists, the Communists and the

Social Democrats created conditions favourable for the growth of

fascism in Italy.

• The Communists were inspired by the Russian Revolution and they

inflamed the atmosphere with revolutionary ideas.

vi. Failure of the League of Nations: The League of Nations was established

after the 1st World War to maintain peace and to prevent wars. But it

failed to achieve its aims.


vii. Leadership provided by Mussolini: Mussolini had a charismatic

personality. He praised the past glories of Italy and won the faith of his


❖ Nazism:

1) Causes of the Rise of Nazism in Germany:

i. Humiliating Treaty of Versailles:

• Germany felt humiliated and helpless because of the defeat in the

First World War and the conditions imposed by the Treaty of

Versailles and they hated the Weimar Republic which had signed

such a disgraceful treaty.

• The Germans were eagerly looking for an opportunity to avenge the

same. Hitler exploited these sentiments.

ii. Growing fear of Communism:

• Hitler warned the people that the Communists of Germany would

become servants of their Russian masters and would follow the

dictates of Communists.

• He therefore tried to persuade the people that only Nazism would

help them to check the growing influence of Communism.

iii. Economic Crisis in Germany after the First World War: As a result of the

harsh terms to the Treaty of Versailles, Germany had to suffer in

agricultural production, colonies, foreign investment, trade contacts,


• The Nazis exploited the situation and assured the people that if they

would follow the Nazi ideology their economic misery would come to

an end and Germany would regain her lost glory and misery.

iv. Resurgence of Militant Nationalism: Germans could not reconcile with

the democratic form of government.

• They preferred prestige and glory to liberty and freedom.

• When Hitler promised to give them all glory, they welcomed him

with open arms.

v. Anti-Semitic Propaganda: The Nazi’s described the Jews as traitors, who

had conspired with the Allies during the first World War and could again

commit treason against Germany. Because of this anti-Semitic

propaganda many Germans rallied behind the Nazi Party.

vi. Absence of strong opposition: As there was no strong opposition to the

Nazi Party, its popularity achieved great heights.


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vii. Establishment of Volunteer Corps: Hitler roped in all the unemployed

soldiers and organised them into Volunteer Corps, that served as the

party army.

• The members of the Volunteer Corps propagated the programmes of

the Nazi Party and safeguarded its interest.

viii. Charismatic Personality of Hitler: Hitler had a charismatic personality

and all the qualities to become a popular leader. He was a shrewd

politician and a brave soldier. He was a gifted orator and captivated the

Germans with his emotional speeches.

❖ A comparative Study of Mussolini’s Fascist and Hitler’s Nazi Ideologies:

The similarities between the ideologies of Fascism and Nazism are as follows:

i. To have faith in totalitarian government.

ii. To despise democratic political system.

iii. To uphold one party one leader.

iv. To believe in aggressive nationalism and imperialism.

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