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The First World War

• Causes – (Nationalism and Imperialism, Armament Race, Division of Europe and Sarajevo Crisis)

• Results – Treaty of Versailles, Territorial Arrangements, Formation of League of Nations).......


The First World War

• Causes – (Nationalism and Imperialism, Armament Race, Division of Europe and Sarajevo Crisis)

• Results – Treaty of Versailles, Territorial Arrangements, Formation of League of Nations).

❖ The First War:

❖ Causes Of the First World War:

1) Nationalism and Imperialism:

▪ Nationalism refers to the sense of unity felt by the people who share a

common history, language and culture. In the latter half of the 19th

century, this feeling of unity turned into extreme pride, which made the

people of many countries believe that their country is superior to other

countries. This led to aggressive nationalism in Europe.

▪ Meaning of Aggressive Nationalism: Aggressive Nationalism meant

love for one’s own country and hatred for other countries.

▪ Meaning of Imperialism: Imperialism is a system by which a powerful

nation establishes its control over another country, either by direct

territorial acquisition or by gaining political and economic control.

▪ How Imperialistic Rivalry created hatred among the nations:

• Leading Imperialist nations began to expand their economic and

political empire.

• Thus, aggressive nationalism and fierce competition filled the

atmosphere with fear, apprehension, mutual hatred and

international tension.

2) Race for Armaments: The mad race for armaments began soon after the

Franco-Prussian War. Every major power began to stockpile armaments in

the name of self-defence and preservation of peace. As a result, if one

country increased its armaments, other countries were compelled to do

the same. It filled the atmosphere with fear, apprehension and mutual


3) Division of Europe in the early 20th century:

▪ The British had a vast colonial Empire. Germany entered into a secret

Alliance with Austria – Hungary which was joined by Italy in 1882, thus

forming the Triple Alliances.

▪ After Bismarck’s death France was able to establish friendly relations

with Russia and England by signing various Alliances forming Triple

Entente in 1907 to encounter the Triple Alliance.

▪ Later, Japan joined the Triple Entente while Turkey joined Triple

Alliance. Thus, Europe was divided into two hostile groups.

4) Sarajevo Crisis (Immediate Cause):

▪ Archduke Francis Ferdinand, the heir to the throne of Austria –

Hungary was assassinated at Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia on June

28, 1914.

▪ Austria served an ultimatum to Serbia on 23rd July making eleven


▪ Serbia accepted most of the demands except those leading to the loss

of her sovereignty.

▪ Austria declared War against Serbia on 28th July, 1914.

▪ Many countries soon entered the war and it thus led to the First World


❖ Results of the First World War:

1) The Treaty of Versailles: The Treaty of Versailles was signed in the Hall of

Mirrors in the former French Royal Palace at Versailles, a suburb of Paris.

▪ Punishment by the Allies to Germany:

• The Treaty declared Germany guilty of Aggression.

• Germany was held solely responsible for the War and was required

to pay enormous amounts as war damages to the Allied powers (33

billion dollars). Germany had to cede her merchant ships to the

Allies as compensation. She also had to supply huge quantities of

coal to France, Italy, and Belgium for a period of ten years.

• The German army was restricted to a force of 100,000 soldiers and

the navy was limited to 15,000 men and 24 ships. The air-force and

submarines were banned.

• The covenant of the League of Nations was added to the Treaty of


2) Territorial Rearrangements: It led to the end of European Supremacy in

the world. Economically and militarily, the United States surpassed Europe

and emerged as the world power.

▪ Three ruling dynasties came to an end – the Romanov in Russia, the

Hohenzollern in Germany and the Hapsburg in Austria-Hungary.

3) The world leaders felt that there must be a mechanism to prevent War and

promote international co-operation. Hence, The League of Nations was

created on 10th January, 1920.

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