CBSE Important Questions Class 10 Social Science Chapter-01 Resources and Development

 Multiple Choice Questions

1. Coal, iron ore, petroleum, diesel etc. are the examples of

a) Biotic resources b) Abiotic resources

c) Renewable resources d) Non Renewable resources

Ans.d) Non Renewable resources

2. Which one of the following term is used to identify the old and new alluvial

respectively ?

a) Khadas & Tarai b) Tarai & Bangar

c) Bangar & Khadar d) Tarai & Dvars

Ans.c) Bangar & Khadar

3. Which one of the following soil is the best for cotton cultivation ?

a) Red soil b) Black soil

c) Laterite soil d) Alluvial soil

Ans.b) Black soil

4. How much percentage of forest area in the country according to the National Forest


a) 33% b) 37%

c) 27% d) 31%

Ans.a) 33%

5. Which type of soil develops due to high temperature and evaporation ?

a) Arid Soil b) Forest Soil

c) Black Soil d) Red Soil

Ans.a) Arid Soil

6. Which one of the following resources can be acquired by the Nation ?

a) Potential resources b) International resources

c) National resources d) Public resources

Ans.c) National resources

7. Which one of the following is responsible for sheet erosion ?

a) Underground water b) Wind

c) Glacier d) Water

Ans.d) Water

8. Which one of the following method is used to break up the force of wind?

a) Shelter belt b) Strip Cropping

c) Contour ploughing d) Terrace farming32

Ans.a) Shelter belt

9 Which one of the following is the main cause of land degradation in Madhya Pradesh ?

a) Mining b) Overgrazing

c) Deforestation d) Over Irrigation

Ans.c) Deforestation

10. Which one of the following statements refers to the sustainable development ?

a) Overall development of various resources

b) Development should take place without damaging the environment.

c) Economic development of people.

d) Development that meets the desires of the members of all communities.

Ans.b) Development should take place without damaging the environment.

Short Answer Type Questions :

Q1. What steps can be taken to control soil erosion in hilly areas ?

Ans. 1) Terracing on hilly area

2) Buildings Dams on hilly areas

3) Afforestation

Q2. When and why was the Rio-de-Janero Earth summit held ?

Ans. 1992 Rio-de-Janero (Brazil)

Earth summit To achieve sustainable development in order to combat environment damage,

poverty and disease, it laid emphasis on global cooperation mutual needs and shared


Q3. Write two characteristics each of Khadar and Bangar ?

Ans. Khadar (New Alluvium)

1) New Alluvium a new soil

2) Very fertile soil less Kankar nodules

Bangar (Old Alluvium)

1) Old Alluvium or Old soil

2) Not to fertile, often contains Kankar nodules

Q4. What type of soil is found in river deltas of the eastern coast ? Give three main

features of this type of soil.

Ans. Alluvial Soil33

1) Most important soil

2) Such a soil is the result of deposits of river.

3) Very fertile soil.

Q5. What do you, mean by land use pattern ? Name the factors that determine the use

of land.

Ans. Utilization of land for various purposes such as cultivation grazing of animals mining

construction of roads etc.


1) Topography

2) Climate

3) Human Factor

4) Accessibility

Q6. Long Answer type questions

1. Classify resources on the basis of ownership into four categories. Mention the main

feature of each.

Ans. (1) Individual resources: Owned privately by individual. Example houses pasture etc.

(2) Community Owned resources : accessible to all the members of the Community. Example

: Play ground park etc.

(3) National resources : within the political boundaries of the country.

Example : Minerals, forests etc.

(4) International resources : The oceanic resources beyond 200 Km. of the Exclusive

Economic Zone belong to international institutions.

Q2. What is resource planning ? Write any three utility of resources.

And. Resource Planning : Resource Planning is a technique of skill of proper utilization of


1. They are beneficial to human being

2. Different types of things are made by them.

3. Resources are limited. Do not waste the great gifts of the nature.

Q3. Distinguish between the Renewable and Non- Renewable Resources.

Ans. Renewable Resources

1) These Resources are those which once mined and used can be regenerated.

2) These Resources which may be obtained continuously.

Example : Land, water plants etc.

Non Renewable Resources.

1) These Resources are those which once mined and used cannot be regenerated.

2) All mineral Resources are limited.

Example : Coal, Mineral-oil etc.

Q4. Describe briefly the distribution of soils found in India.

Ans. (1) Alluvial Soil (2) Black Soil

(3) Red and Yellow Soil (4) Laterite Soil

(5) Mountain Soil (6) Desert Soil (Explain it)

Q5. What is regur soil ? Write its two features. Mention any two regions where regur

soil is found.

Ans. Regur soil – Black Soil


1) made up extremely fine

2) have good capacity to hold moisture.

3) develop deep cracks during hot weather.

4) rich in calcium carbonate, potash and lime


1) Maharashtra – Malva Plateau

2) Madhya Pradesh and Chhatisgarh Plateau

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